
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 11:43:57
1.He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man .
2.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
不知道这两句都对不对,但好像在网上这个有很多的说法,都搞不清到底是哪个了.况且不同的老师都会用不同的(- -|||).

He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man .是最准确的。

You are not a hero unless you climb on the Great Wall.( 八达岭长城上的翻译)
Who are we if we can not reach the Great Wall?( 威廉.林赛翻译曾任新华社特稿组编辑)
Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.
One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.
None but the brave can get to the Great Wall.

If you fail to reach the Great Wall, you are not a man.

1. reach, "不到长城", 这是正确的
2. never been to, "从没去过长城非好汉"

reach更合适, 因为这个句子大概意思是如果你探访中国但居然不去看看长城, 你就不是好汉了.

If you haven't reached the peak of the Great Wall, you are never a hero.

A man who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a ture man. 我们英语书上就有,初一的!百分之百正确!